Composer & Conductor 作曲及指揮: An-Lun Huang 黃安倫 Alto 女中音: Janet Ho 何嘉寧 Tenor 男高音: Daniel Lam 林天佑 Baritone 男中音: Dennis Mak 麥堅煒 Organist 風琴: Emmanuel Limsiong 林萬雷 Accompaniment 伴奏: Brass Band 銅管樂隊 Saturday, November 30, 2024, 4 pm 11月30日(星期六) 下午四時正 Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church 士嘉堡華人浸信會
Conductor An-Lun Huang’s Bio: Member of CMC, CLC, Canadian–Chinese composer
“His accomplishments rivals Masters in the West” and “reflect the great country of China”— with such many of the comments internationally, An-lun Huang’s compositions have been widely performed and warmly received globally. Graduated from Yale 1986, his ballet “Dream of Dunhuang” has been selected as one of the “Master Pieces of the Chinese Compositions in 20th Century”. Numerous of his CDs, LPs and scores have been published and released. More than 20 of his works have been chosen as the collections of “National Musical 100 Years”, the China’s official music publishing project. He received the German OPUS KLASSIK PRIZE with Bin Huang Alexander Suleiman and Yubo Zhou for his CD of his two piano trios, label of MDG, in 2019.
With his more than hundred compositions which based on the Christ faith, his large formed choral works, such as Easter Cantata, Psalm22, Psalm150, Psalm8, The Glorious Church, Revelation, A Revelation of Joseph, and Requiem etc. have filled the blanks of the Chinese Sacred Music.
不設現場直播 In-person only 自由奉獻 Freewill Offering 免費入場 Free Admission
About the Conductor TERESA CHEUNG is in frequent demand for symphonic, choral, operatic and balletic productions throughout the United States, Canada and Hong Kong. Following an acclaimed 13-season tenure as Music Director of Pennsylvania’s Altoona Symphony Orchestra, she has been appointed Resident Conductor of the Endless Mountain Music Festival. Teresa Cheung’s recent engagements have found her on the podia of the Amarillo, American, Bakersfield, Chappaqua, Mid-Texas, Mobile, New Amsterdam (NYC), Phoenix, Portland, Stamford, Venice and Western Michigan symphony orchestras, Evansville, Fort Wayne and Rochester philharmonic orchestras, Pennsylvania Centre Orchestra, Woodstock Chamber Orchestra, New York City Ballet, Brooklyn’s Regina Opera and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. Additionally, she often appears as conductor for colleges and universities and with All State/All County orchestra festivals. She has also served as a conducting clinician for Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts’ “Meet the Artist” program. Widely known for her creative concert programming, collaborative projects and community outreach initiatives, Teresa Cheung is also a passionate advocate for music education for all ages. During her tenure in Altoona, she created numerous outreach programs that engaged area children and high school musicians and choristers ballet companies and civic organizations. Under her leadership, the ASO also performed with university instrumental and choral ensembles from Penn State University, Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Juniata College. Her vision of extending the Alltoona Symphony’s artistry and reputation beyond Central Pennsylvania led to the filming of Dvorák’s New World, an acclaimed joint-project with the Pennsylvania Council for the Arts’ Humanities on the Road program that was broadcast throughout Pennsylvania in December, 2011. Another highlight of Ms. Cheung’s novel interdisciplinary projects was the North American premiere of F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu on Halloween 2017, reuniting the original symphonic score of Hans Erdmann with the silent film in Berndt Heller’s reconstruction. Teresa Cheung began her career as Resident Conductor of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, where she was also conductor of the Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and Evansville Philharmonic Chorus. Among her many artistic initiatives, she led the Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra on its first international concert tour to Japan in 2002. Subsequently, she served as Resident Conductor of the American Symphony Orchestra and Assistant Conductor for the Bard Music Festival and SummerScape. A native of Hong Kong, Teresa Cheung received her Masters Degree in Conducting from the Eastman School of Music. She is also the recipient of the JoAnn Falletta Conducting Award for the most promising female conductors.
Please bring your own score if you have a copy (limited copies will be available to borrow).
About the Conductor A native of Malaysia, Soong Hong Wong黃頌康 is a conductor, pianist, and tenor. He served as the founder and music director of Grace Presbyterian Church in America, based in Rochester, New York, from 2022-2023. He also served as a resident conductor of the Malaysia Kajang Chinese Methodist Church (KCMC) Youth Choir (2016-2021) and has served as an interim conductor of the KCMC Church Choir (2021).
Soong Hong has conducted various ensembles at the Eastman School of Music during his graduate studies, including the Eastman Chorale, Eastman Repertory Singers, and Eastman Bach Ensemble. He has served as an advisor in the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Eastman Chapter (2021-2023) to help guide the students with conducting suggestions and advice. He has conducted a wide variety of choral-instrumental works, including Schutz’s Verleih uns Frieden, Bach’s Cantatas no. 27 & 33, Handel’s Messiah, Telemann’s Psalm 117, Haydn’s Te Deum, Duruflé’s Ubi Caritas, to name a few.
As an enthusiastic chorister, Soong Hong has sung with multiple choral ensembles, including the Rochester professional chamber chorus Voices, the Eastman-Rochester Chorus, the Schola Cantorum of Christ Church Rochester, the award-winning Malaysia Bach Festival Singers as well as Mendelssohnchor Malaysia. He has served as the president and advisor of the two premier choirs at UCSI University in Kuala Lumpur. Under his leadership, the choirs won the Mixed-Voice Category Champion at the Choralympic Festival in Pyeongchang, South Korea; the Adult Choir Category Gold Award and the Grand Champion at the 10th International Choir Festival in Pattaya, Thailand; and the Silver Award at the 2018 Taiwan International Choral Competition. Additionally, the choirs have also performed with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra.
Soong Hong’s primary conductor mentors are Dr. William Weinert and Dr. David Chin. He has also studied under Brad Lubman, Dr. Beth Willer, and Dr. Hana Cai. His piano instructors included Dr. Cheong Yew Choong and Mr. Ian Goh.
Soong Hong obtained his Master of Music in Choral Conducting from the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York, under the Robert P. Fountain Scholarship, and Bachelor of Classical Music in Piano Performance degree from the Institute of Music, UCSI University under UCSI Trust Scholarship.
陳小雲博士 (Dr. Vicky Tan Warkentien) 不但對學術有嚴謹的要求,還兼備教會音樂事工的實踐經驗。她目前是印第安納州Bethel University的音樂教授,以及Bethel Chamber Orchestra和Bethel Concert Choir的指揮。同時,陳博士是印第安納州南灣Clay United Methodist Church的合唱音樂總監,並在世界華人基督教聖樂促進會(World Association for Chinese Church Music)擔任顧問委員會成員。她曾與華人教會和神學院合作,在美國、加拿大、澳洲、新西蘭和亞洲進行教會音樂培訓。
To ensure a set of the song books will be reserved for your use during the Choral Reading Session, please register online BEFORE June 30.
About the conductor Dr. Vicky Tan Warkentien combines the academic rigors of her discipline with the practical experience of church music ministry. She is currently a Professor of Music at Bethel University, Indiana, where she directs the Bethel Chamber Orchestra and Bethel Concert Choir. Concurrently, Dr. Warkentien serves as Director of Choral Music at Clay United Methodist Church in South Bend, Indiana, and is on the Advisory Board for the World Association for Chinese Church Music. She has collaborated with Chinese churches and seminaries in conducting church music training in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia.
夏莉萍博士屢次在國際、國內獨奏與室內樂比賽中斬獲頭獎,包括ASTA Solo Competition、Waddill Chamber Music Competition、Concerto and Aria Competition、 Glenn Korff School of Music 2017 Concerto Solo Competition、Kansas Music Teachers Association Competition、東亞地區第一屆國際合唱音樂節、第18屆美國音樂公開賽、第21屆美國音樂公開賽等。
夏莉萍博士在2020年獲得鋼琴演奏藝術博士(D.M.A)後,致力於向海外華人推廣古典音樂及聖樂。迄今為止,她先後兩年擔任由基督使者協會主辦的復活節北美青年線上聯合崇拜 「The Season of Lent」的音樂總監及幕後監製;在北美「新春文化祭」活動中演奏黃安倫的《塞北舞曲第一號「社火」》;授聘為多倫多華人浸信會「2022 VBS兒童夏令營」總負責人;組織籌辦「為柬埔寨兒童宣教事工募捐音樂會」;並多次受邀舉辦線上及線下的音樂分享講座;香柏樹兒童聖樂團創辦者。